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October 31, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of October 31, 2007

Members Present:        Paul Anderson, Tom Davis, Reggie Bancroft, Mark Livings and Dave Tyler

Members Absent: Jim Barton (Alternate) and Ed Farrell (Alternate)

Others Present: WPCA Superintendent Kevin Leslie, WPCA Attorney Vincent Purnhagen, and Recording Secretary Laura Michael

Time and Place
Paul Anderson, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the East Windsor Water Pollution Control Authority Administration Bldg., 192 South Water St., East Windsor, CT

I.  Designate Alternate to Sit for Absent Member
There were no alternates present.

II. Acceptance of Minutes of September 26, 2007

Motion: To accept the minutes of September 26, 2007.
                Livings abstained

III. Payment of Bills

Motion: To authorize the payment of the October 31, 2007 bill sheet in the amount of $34,366.74
        Discussion:  Mr. Leslie went over the bill sheet outlining any unusual bills.  
        Passed unanimously

IV. Visitors   
Cathy Pippin, East Windsor
Mrs. Pippin stated that she was upset with the Board’s decision not to pursue foreclosure of the delinquent property on South Water St.  She feels that Mr. Barton has been working very hard and using every tactic to collect the money owed.  The Board needs to support Mr. Barton’s efforts; it is the right thing to do.  Mr. Leslie stated that it is unfair to everyone who does the right thing; he reminded the Board that he had been given approval to turn this over to the attorneys if the delinquent property owner didn’t meet the payment plan.  It has been made easy for the delinquent property owner but he is not making the payments regularly.  Mr. Leslie asked the Board to think about this and it will be placed on the November agenda.  Mrs. Pippin thanked the Board.

Attorney Purnhagen arrived at 7:18 p.m. and remained until adjournment

Mr. Leslie reported that he agreed to bring up the property of the vacant Mobil Station of Rt. 5.  There is a new owner who could not be present for the meeting tonight.  The property was connected to the sewer but the billing was suspended because the property was vacant.  Should there be a connection charge?  Mr. Anderson said that this is a commercial property which has 1 EDU; the new owner will have to apply and submit plans with estimated flow data.  The property has 1 EDU; that does not disappear.  This will start a three year review period for monitoring usage.

V. Receipt of Applications – there were no new applications

VI. Approval of Applications
SJK Properties, Quarry Meadows
Mr. Leslie reported that an extension was requested by SJK Properties.  There was a discussion about the date of the approval and that the extension will be for one-year from the date of the original approval.

Motion: To approve the extension of the application of SJK Properties, Quarry Meadows through September 27, 2008.
        Bancroft abstained

                      Motion:  To suspend the regular meeting for the purpose of holding the Public Hearing scheduled at 7:30 p.m.
        Passed unanimously

VII. Public Hearing Scheduled at 7:30 p.m.

Motion: To open the public hearing for Winchester Modular Housing Inc., 93 Winkler Rd through Mansions at Canyon Ridge LLC, 4 Canyon Ridge Dr.
                Passed unanimously

                       There was no one present for Winchester Modular Housing Inc., 93 Winkler Rd.  Mr. Leslie explained that this is a new single-family modular home and none of the FCC has been paid.

                There was no one present for Fluharty, 14 Farms Rd, Meadow Farms.  Mr. Leslie explained that this is a new single-family construction and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

                There was no one present for Newberry Village LLC, 3 Mockingbird Lane.  Mr. Leslie explained that this is a new active adult house and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

                There was no one present for Mason’s Brook LLC, 13 Mason’s Brook Lane.  Mr. Leslie explained that this is a new condo and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

                There was no one present for Mason’s Brook LLC, 14 Mason’s Brook Lane.  Mr. Leslie explained that this is a new condo and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

        There was no one present for Mansions at Canyon Ridge LLC, 4 Canyon Ridge Drive.  Mr. Leslie explained that this is a new 10 unit apartment building and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

Motion:         To close the public hearing Winchester Modular Housing Inc., 93 Winkler Rd                through Mansions at Canyon Ridge LLC, 4 Canyon Ridge Dr.
                                    Passed unanimously
Motion:            To resume the regular meeting.
                        Passed unanimously

VIII. Legal
Pump Station Agreement – SJK Properties, Quarry Meadows
        Nothing is happening.

        Rya Corporation
Attorney Purnhagen gave a brief update.

FCC Regulations
Mr. Anderson reported that an individual had requested an emergency sewer connection; Mr. Anderson and Mr. Leslie met with the home owner.  When they went over the Amended and Restated FCC Regulations, it was discovered that parts are missing. Mr. Anderson asked if Attorney Purnhagen would look at it and fix it.  This item will be added to the November Agenda.

IX. Action on Facility Connection Charges

Motion: To impose the Facility Connection Charges as published for Winchester Modular Housing Inc., 93 Winkler Rd through Mansions at Canyon Ridge LLC, 4 Canyon Ridge Dr.
                                Passed unanimously

X. 3 Year FCC Review
Scorpion Fasteners, 120 Newberry Rd
Mr. Leslie stated that Scorpion Fasteners paid for 1 EDU and they are using 1 EDU each year.  There is no change in the FCC Scorpion Fasteners.

Wood Group/Lone Star, 64 Prospect Hill Rd
Mr. Leslie stated that Lone Star paid for 2 EDUs and they have been using 1 EDU each year.  Since the change is within 1 EDU there will be no change in the FCC.

Poultry Products, 75 Newberry Rd
Mr. Leslie stated that Poultry Products paid for 4 EDUs and they are using an average 5 EDUs each year.  Since the change is within 1 EDU there will be no change in the FCC.

XI. Unfinished Business
Newberry Rd Assessments
Mr. Leslie reported that Town Assessor Carol Madore had stopped in and will have the needed information to finish up the assessments shortly.

        Prospect Hill Rd Assessments
        This will be addressed after the Newberry Rd Assessments are completed.

Modification of Sewer Service Area
Mr. Anderson reported that they had a meeting today and there will be additional workshops.  They received good direction from Bill Hogan of the DEP today. The concern of notifying property owners of a change to their property was brought up; Mr. Hogan said to notify the entire street.  Mr. Hogan suggested holding workshops and inviting the public before holding a public hearing.  Mr. Anderson stated that they have made great progress.  A workshop was scheduled for Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.

        XII. New Business
        Superintendent’s Report
        Mr. Leslie reported that the ½ ton pickup truck had been ordered; it cost just under $15,000.  The one ton utility truck was put out to bid; only one person requested a spec sheet to be faxed to them.  There was only one bid submitted and it was higher than expected.  Mr. Leslie explained that they would look into buying the chassis, the utility body and the crane separately.

        Mr. Leslie reported that he received a letter from Mr. Arnold on Depot St requesting to connect to the sewer through the Kement project.  Mr. Leslie will hand deliver a response to Mr. Arnold explaining the Regs will not allow this.

        There was a lengthy discussion concerning the sewer service area.  Mr. Tyler feels that the sewer service area should be drawn back on the parking lots on Rt 5 and extended into other areas.  Mr. Tyler feels there is justification for this.

        Mr. Leslie explained that money had been budgeted to bring in a new operator.  He has spoken with Mark Brennan who has many skills and qualifications about this position. Mr. Brennan may be in the market for a job; it would probably be a question of pay.  Mr. Anderson felt that it would be of value to have the experience.

        CIP Development Proposal
        This will be placed on the November Agenda.

        Adoption of 2008 Meeting Schedule
        Motion: To adopt the 2008 Meeting Schedule as presented.
                        Passed unanimously

                       XIII. Adjournment

Motion: To adjourn the meeting at the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Laura Michael   
Recording Secretary